DVBS: Day 1
Today, we celebrate two events: my father's 49th birthday and the launch of our pioneer daily vacation bible school.
We started the day by praying together, with daddy leading us. We prayed that God would guide everybody who'd be working tat the vbs, and thanked Him for daddy's life on this earth. After that, my dad proceeded to the car to go to office, me and my brother rushing to him to give our presents for him. And then the vbs began.
Under my skin:
It was a bit nerve-racking for me because we only had a few weeks to prepare for it. Knowing that we only had short time to prepare for the vbs made me remember the times when I crammed for school. Those times were not fun.
Student population: The students that we taught were fewer than we expected. Me and my brother taught only 5 children while my 2 sisters only taught 3.
Warm up:
My mother said to the children that the people who are going to teach to them are either their cousins so that there will be no reason to be very shy, and explained more about the vbs. Then, the children were divided according to the level that they will belong to. Kids aged 7-12 were taught by me and my brother while the younger ones were taught by my 2 sisters. Then the vbs sessions got busy.
The vbs classes:
The children played a basketball type of a game for a warm-up. Then, they were taught about discipline, using the story of Daniel and his friends and their fight not to eat ungodly food. After that, they had some more activities, such as coloring the pictures about the story they had just heard. After the activities, they proceeded to eating snacks, had more activities, and ate again, and we wrapped up the day.
After the vbs classes:
I felt tired after the vbs because of the lack of sleep I had the night before. We found out that there were more children who would be coming tomorrow, which we knew would make our jobs harder. Now, proceeding to my father's birthday, we had a special dinner with cake (the traditional package) at our home. After we ate, we were resting when we heard a noise, rather an alarm. It sounded like a car alarm, so my sister and father rushed outside. They found out somebody threw something at the back of the Lancer. After that, my parents went to the barangay tanod to report the incident. We never found out who's responsible for the damage. Talagang yung otong walang insurance yung tinamaan! As we tried to find out what was the message of the event, my father came out with a message that we should get another house, with a bigger garage so that we may be able to park all of our vehicles inside. So, dad just made it a laughing matter. It's OK because we are able to get the glass replaced. Praise God!

My father's suprise birthday present
That's it for now. I still have to prepare for tomorrow's vbs!
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