Monday, November 14, 2005

Confessions of a Broken Heart

Lindsay did it! She wore heavy black eyeliners! You know, I really dig women who wear heavy black eyeliners. I just love the Cleopatra look! Besides her eyes, I also enjoy the emotional song. I'm going to sing it in my post today, for my heart experienced a lot today. My brother (not my biological brother Lemuel) broke my heart today, but it was more of my fault because I talked to him with prejudice. I got a surprising response from him in return, which was heavy for my heart. It was a long story, and my other brothers witnessed it. Go figure if you can.

O mi hermano, o mi hermano
Le prejuzgue
, I am sorry
O mi hermano, o mi hermano
Estoy gritando, perd
oneme and
These are, these are
Confessions of a broken heart

Oh, I forgot to mention my lyrics are in Spanglish. And for the record, I'm not really heartbroken. It's just a hurt.

My brothers offered me backup if ever the first brother I mentioned would clash at me again. I just keep on saying yes, but I'll only need their ears to borrow just to say to them if I'm hurt. I don't want them to fight back at him because it's not really worth it. Besides, as the song continues, I continue to sing to my brother:

I love you
I love you
I... I love you

I can't believe that my carelessness would further divide my classmates. What I really wanted for them is to unite. Sigh.
Music I listen to:
Confessions of a Broken Heart - Lindsay Lohan

Christmas wish list:

Not really in the mood for wishing right now.


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